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LawSpaceMatch is Country-Wide!

LawSpaceMatch has been expanding! We now have law spaces listed in 9 different states, from Georgia to New York to Colorado. Do you live in Manhattan and are looking for free office space? We now have listings for New York City office suites on Lexington Avenue in the heart of Manhattan. All you have to do is click on the office listing and you are given a direct telephone number to contact the owner of the real estate. It is completely free - all you have to do is take five minutes to create an attorney profile. We are very excited about these new additions to our database of office space listings, and expect that even more expansion is soon to follow. As more and more people are finding out, acquiring an office space to practice law should not be a stressful, cat and mouse affair. It should be quick, streamlined and simple, and LawSpaceMatch provides the perfect medium for the process. See Also: Law Firms with Unused Offices, Atlanta Office Space Vacancies